"Search advertising is at once starkly simple, bafflingly complex and highly effective."
Rick Bruner, Director of Research, DoubleClick Corp.
Pay-Per-Click. What is it?

Pay-Per-Click or PPC is where you can bid for your ad's position in the 'Sponsored Link' listings on the major search engines. You can see these ads on the right hand side of the search results pages as shown in the red highlighted part of the screen below. PPC can deliver customers who are in 'buying-mode' and searching for your products and services directly to your website - and the best part is that your ads cost you nothing until these hot prospects actually click on your ad. Computer Monitor

Does it work?

We sometimes have clients tell us "I never look at those ads" on the right hand side under 'Sponsored Links'. If you question PPC's effectiveness consider this - in March 2009 Google's market capitalization surpassed GE's and virtually their only revenue stream is PPC advertising. That's proof positive that PPC really works!

Who Will See My Ads?

If you sell 'widgets', only people who are searching for 'widgets' will see your PPC ads. We can even arrange to show your ads only in specific geographic areas and only on certain days and times. No other advertising medium allows you such precise control and targeting of your marketing dollar.

What Is My Cost/Commitment?

Your cost/commitment to PPC is precisely what you want it to be! You set the daily adspend budget to whatever works for you and remember, it is only spent when customers actually click on your ads and go to your website. If your PPC campaign doesn't perform, it costs you nothing! Likewise, there is no long term commitment. You can increase or decrease or even terminate your budget at any time - try doing that with Yellow Pages!

Yellow Pages Ads - They've Always Worked For Me!

Ask your customers when they last used their Yellow Pages. The chances are that they won't remember - most of them won't even know where their Yellow Pages book is! Why pay for ads that most of your audience will never see and be locked into doing that for a whole year in advance?

Why Michael Round Associates?

Managing PPC campaigns properly is a complex and time consuming task. If you want to learn more about what it involves, download our white paper on the subject. Do you really need another distraction from what you do best - running your business? Michael Round Associates has the experience, the resources and the software tools to do it for you - and we get results because our fees are directly linked to how we perform for you.

Call us today and setup a no obligation consultation and let's explore what Michael Round Associates and PPC can do for your business. After all, you've got a lot to gain and nothing to lose!

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